The ESTIMATION of coseismic STRAIN at 5.12.1997 kronotsky EARTHQUAKE Мw = 7.8 ON DATA OF WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS on the well UZ-5, KAMCHATKA

Boldina S.V., Kopylova G.N.

Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Service Russian Academy of Science, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

For the 5.12.1997 Kronotsky earthquake MW = 7.8, located apart 320-236 km from the well UZ-5, Kamchatka, the point estimate method of the coseismic volumetric strain on amplitude of a water level step during earthquake and value of the tidal sensitivity of water level is represented. The close fit of magnitude of value and sign coseismic strain (expanding) on data of water level observations and on model of a point source of dislocation in homogeneous elastic medium with parameters CMT Kronotsky earthquake is obtained.

Keywords: amplitude, deformation, earthquake, coseismic, Kronotskoe, seismic, jump, drill hole

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