Abstracts Submission

To submit short and extended abstracts use on-line registration on GVW2024 website. Log in to your personal account in order to start filling in and sending the registration form on AUGUST 1st, 2024.
You can view and edit you registration form and replace the abstract file.

Short Abstracts Guidelines

Abstract submissions should be 0.5 page or less, and include title, author(s), author(s) affiliation, author(s) email, and abstract text. Please do not include any graphics. Abstracts should be uploaded to the conference website upon registration and also sent by e-mail to GeothermalVolcanology@mail.ru Short abstracts will be reviewed with regard to scientific quality and suitability for the conference. Accepted abstracts will be designated for either oral or on-line presentation at the discretion of the organizing committee. Each presenting author is generally allowed one paper as a first author at the conference. Abstract submission is until AUGUST 1st, 2024.
The notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent by AUGUST 9, 2024.

Extended Abstracts Guidelines

Extended abstracts from participants are limited up to four pages in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format with figures (GIF or JPEG), tables and references (no more than 5 MB). The title of the file should contain author last name and first letters of the first name in English, ex. IvanovAV.doc.
FORMAT and LENGTH: Extended abstracts should be 4 pages, 12 point Times New Roman, 20 mm margin on all sides with line spacing 1, and include title, author(s), author(s) affiliation, author(s) email, and abstract text.
The indent on the first line of the paragraph is 12,5 mm. Page numbering is not needed. Word wrapping is not allowed.
The due date for submitting extended abstracts will be AUGUST 1st, 2024.

Example of thesis submission


Presentations in video recording format (mp4) lasting 15 minutes must be e-mailed to GeothermalVolcanology@mail.ru no later than AUGUST 25, 2024.
NAME for your mp4-file upload: Last name_First word of Session name_First word of Title_version # (EXAMPLE: Kiryukhin_Hydrothermal_Fracking_v3.mp4).
TIME ALLOTTED for Oral Presentations: 20 minutes total (13 minutes talk + 5 minutes for discussion + 2 minutes for changeover between speakers).